NB The website owner receives no financial or other material benefit as an inducement or reward for operating this website. Everything is done in good faith for the benefit of mankind as a whole.

The sole purpose of this website is to expose corruption in the Singapore Public Service to the public – inform and educate Singaporeans as well as foreign diplomats about Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore (through the use of casteism in harness with lawfare since 1965) and Malaysia using "corruption as a weapon" to steal Singapore's financial reserves estimated at more than S$1 trillion, which Singaporeans remained blissfully unaware of, to date.

I'm not anti-government – on the contrary, I want a good government with good governance for the benefit of all Singaporeans, including the Malays who are the indigenous people of Singapore and the Malay world. A bad government expects Singaporeans to obey the law but turns a blind eye to public servants who disobey the direction of the law for corrupt practices (unmerited referrals to SSAs by CPS and bribery arrangements between them).

I'm exposing bad public servants who disobey the direction of the law for corrupt practices (unmerited referrals to SSAs by CPS and bribery arrangements between them)operating under the auspices of the judiciary and backed by Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore (through the use of casteism in harness with lawfare since 1965) and Malaysia using "corruption as a weapon" to steal Singapore's financial reserves estimated at more than S$1 trillion.


The parties hereto will enter into a treaty on external defence and mutual assistance providing that: —

(1) the parties hereto will establish a joint defence council for purposes of external defence and mutual assistance;

(2) the Government of Malaysia will afford to the Government of Singapore such assistance as may be considered reasonable and adequate for external defence, and in consideration thereof, the Government of Singapore will contribute from its own armed forces such units thereof as may be considered reasonable and adequate for such defence;

(3) the Government of Singapore will afford to the Government of Malaysia the right to continue to maintain the bases and other facilities used by its military forces within Singapore and will permit the Government of Malaysia to make such use of these bases and facilities as the Government of Malaysia may consider necessary for the purpose of external defence;

(4) each party will undertake not to enter into any treaty or agreement with a foreign country which may be detrimental to the independence and defence of the territory of the other party.


I wonder why Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of modern Singapore, didn't inform and educate Singaporeans about ARTICLE V at all (not even once) during his lifetime – see All the Malay sultans are descended from Indian Muslims. I also wonder how many MINDEF/SAF personnel are aware of ARTICLE V.

The main focus of this website isn't about my family conflict. However, during my interactions with MSF (CPSSSAs) and the Family Justice Courts (mastermind) regarding my family conflict, I have discovered evidence of Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore (through the use of casteism in harness with lawfare since 1965). I realized that MSF (CPSSSAs) and the Family Justice Courts (mastermind) aren't adhering to the legal principles of family law and the principles of the Children and Young Persons Act 1993 in addressing my family conflict due to Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore (through the use of casteism in harness with lawfare since 1965).

Foreign interference may take the form of foreign countries seeking to manipulate our domestic politics (and policies), including through covert and deceptive means, to undermine our political sovereignty (including judicature sovereignty) and harm our social cohesion.