POLICE REPORT E/20240228/7063

Date/Time Report Made: 28 Feb 2024 21:58

Brief details.

Incident linked to D/20240212/7029.

I refer to https://str.sg/38L2L (see below)

SINGAPORE - On Feb 15, social media influencer Camira Asrori put up a video on her Instagram and TikTok accounts about her run-in with the Singapore authorities after attending a pro-Palestine protest in Japan.

Another influencer, Ms Dahlia Mohd, said in a comment on Ms Camira's post that she had also been questioned by the authorities after someone lodged a complaint against her posts and fund-raiser to help Palestinians in Gaza.

I refer to https://www.mindef.gov.sg/web/portal/mindef/news-and-events/latest-releases/article-detail/2019/December/20dec19_nr2 (see below)

A Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Full-time National Serviceman, PTE Joshua Quek Shou Jie, 21, sustained a cervical spine injury on 18 December 2019 night (SG time) during unilateral parachute training conducted in Taiwan. PTE Quek was immediately evacuated to the nearest tertiary hospital, where he underwent surgery on 19 December morning. Surgery proceeded without complications and his condition is currently stable. PTE Quek is being monitored in the Intensive Care Unit and further treatment to stabilise the cervical spine injury is planned. An orthopaedic specialist from Singapore has been flown in to help coordinate medical care.

SAF's long-standing military training in Taiwan, codenamed Project Starlight, makes no sense to Malay-Indian-Others Singaporeans. The similarity between Singapore and Taiwan is that both parties have a "common intention" to normalize or trap their indigenous people in a permanent underclass. Taiwanese indigenous people (Gaoshan) still remain on the lowest rungs of the legal and socioeconomic ladder today, similar to the Malays who are the indigenous people of Singapore and the Malay world.

I refer to https://str.sg/bonU (see below)

SINGAPORE - Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will visit Johor on Jan 11 to attend a ceremony marking a milestone in the cross-border rail project, and witness the signing of an agreement on the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JSSEZ).

He will first meet Malaysian Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim at a ceremony to commemorate the completion of the connecting concrete span between the Singapore and Malaysia sections of the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) Link viaduct.

Slated to commence passenger service at the end of 2026, the RTS Link train can carry up to 10,000 passengers an hour in each direction. Travelling at about 80kmh, the four-carriage train will complete the journey in just six minutes.

The PROCLAMATION OF SINGAPORE by LEE KUAN YEW on 9 August 1965 that - Singapore should cease to be a state of Malaysia and should thereupon become an independent and sovereign state and nation separate from and independent of Malaysia - was to allow Malaysians to earn SGD and retire in Malaysia comfortably with the high currency exchange rate. Malaysians working in Singapore don't have to rent properties in Singapore because the RTS Link train can carry up to 10,000 passengers an hour in each direction. It was very thoughtful of the innately evil PAP government to use Singapore's tax dollars to finance a "work in Singapore (earn SGD) and retire in Malaysia comfortably" fiscal policy for Malaysians, who in turn deflate salary scale for Singaporeans - Malaysians who work in Singapore but don't have to rent properties in Singapore can accept a low monthly salary of S$1500 (approx. RM$5300) and retire in Malaysia comfortably 10 or 20 years later. As time goes by, Singaporeans will become aware of this after analysing PAP's fiscal policies and foreign policy. A "racially segregated CMIO Singapore" is exactly what Malaysia wants and needs - to divide and rule Singaporeans. I'm afraid that Family Justice CourtsMSF and social service agencies have become "covert satellite psychotronic concentration camps (via mind control of such persons or populations)" targeted by Al-Qaeda.


  1. Malaysia (MAIN culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. MSF (Malaysia's MAIN control of Singapore via casteism)
  3. Judiciary (Malaysia's MAIN weapon of lawfare)
  4. Singapore's 50 Richest (Malaysia's ruling class)
  5. PAP (Malaysia's ruling party to control Singaporeans)
  6. MFA (Malaysia's foreign policy of colonial domination/condominium)
  7. Legislature (Malaysia's lawmaking to control Singaporeans)
  8. LEE Hsien Loong (Prime Suspect, Malaysia's Executive)
  9. Permanent Secretaries (Malaysia's policymakers)
  10. SID (whispering campaigns on behalf of foreign powers)
  11. MINDEF/SAF Senior Leadership (Malaysia's mastermind)
  12. Israel Defence Forces (advisers to Malaysia's mastermind)
  13. Al-Qaeda (MAIN culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  14. LAS (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  15. P5 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  16. G4 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)


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