POLICE REPORT A/20220509/7062

Date/Time Report Made: 9 May 2022 23:40

Brief details.

Incident linked to E/20220506/7009.

I refer to https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/writ-of-summons (see below)

Service of the Writ

It is the obligation of the claimant (or his lawyer) to serve the writ onto the defendant. Legal proceedings do not continue until service is effected. While there are exceptions, personal service of the writ is usually mandatory. Personal service is effected by delivering a copy of the writ to the defendant by hand.

I never received the summons for me to attend the Youth Court hearing on 04/04/2022 in accordance with Service of summons (https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/FJA2014-S813-2014?ProvIds=pr148B-,pr148C-).

There are only two possibilities:

1) Child Protective Service (CPS) fabricates false evidence (https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/PC1871?ProvIds=pr192-,pr193-) to the Youth Courts that I refused to sign on the "service of summons" for the Youth Court hearing on 04/04/2022 so that a default judgment (or a judgment in default) would be entered eventually.

2) The Youth Courts continued with the legal proceedings on 04/04/2022 without the "service of summons" being effected, and entered a default judgment (or a judgment in default).

The crux of the matter is whether CPS "fabricated false evidence" to the Youth Courts that I refused to sign on the "service of summons" for the Youth Court hearing on 04/04/2022 so that a default judgment (or a judgment in default) would be entered eventually. It's suspicious that Daneel specifically told me that she is wearing a body camera when she handed CPO-000034-2022/SUM-2022-0411-901374 to me on Wednesday (13 April 2022) evening and told me to sign on the "service of summons" for acknowledgment. It could be that District Judge Eugene Tay instructed Daneel to wear a body camera in case I refused to sign on the "service of summons" and to minimise the risk of having the default judgment (or a judgment in default) set aside because of the absence of an acknowledgment for the "service of summons". I never received the "service of summons" for me to attend the Youth Court hearing on 04/04/2022 from CPS at all. I would have contested CPO-000034-2022/CCC-2022-0404-0243 on 04/04/2022 if I had read the "statement of claim" appended to the writ of summons.

Not following processes or standard operating procedures (SOP) can result in undesirable outcomes for both the government and the citizens, wasting government resources to conduct additional investigations as well as new trials (https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/SCJA1969?ProvIds=pr43-,pr60A-) in the courts further increasing backlogs. The non-compliance with processes or SOP seem to be exacted in reprisal for my negative feedback on CPS and their contractors last year. CPS and their contractors suffer from a lack of accountability. Wilful non-compliance with processes or SOP is not in the "welfare and best interests" of Sumi, and violates the principles (https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/CYPA1993?ProvIds=pr4-#pr4-) of Children and Young Persons Act 1993.

I will forward a copy of this report to the MSF and relevant public bodies/GPCs as well as diplomatic corps (good governance diplomacy) for their necessary action.


  1. Daneel Jannae SHIH


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