POLICE REPORT A/20240217/7033

Date/Time Report Made: 17 Feb 2024 17:10

Brief details.

Incident linked to D/20240212/7029.

I refer to https://str.sg/BPtQ (see below)

SINGAPORE - Singaporeans will be able to claim 100 per cent tax deduction for donations to overseas humanitarian relief efforts, under a new scheme launched in recognition of people's desire to do good beyond Singapore's shores.

The Overseas Humanitarian Assistance Tax Deduction Scheme (OHAS) will run for four years as a pilot, from Jan 1, 2025, to Dec 31, 2028.

Announcing the scheme in his Budget speech, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong noted that many Singaporeans have readily stepped forward to help those affected by humanitarian crises overseas, such as the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria in 2023 and the human tragedy arising from the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

I refer to https://str.sg/Hwcn (see below)

SINGAPORE - The police said on Feb 13 that they are investigating two events relating to the Israel-Hamas conflict for possible offences. They also urged Singaporeans to engage in responsible and respectful discussions on the topic.

They added that actions such as this advocate the political causes of other countries and have the potential to stir up tensions and lead to public disorder.

OHAS seems to be "advocating the political causes or other causes of other countries" at the expense of Singapore's taxpayers. When the government offers 100% tax deductions for donations to overseas humanitarian relief efforts, the reduction in government revenue typically needs to be compensated for. This compensation may come directly from other sources, such as income taxes or consumption taxes. Why should Singapore's taxpayers who can't be bothered with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict compensate for the reduction in government revenue because of OHAS?

The Chinese-Malay-Indian-Others (CMIO) model is actually a "condominium (sphere of influence) model" designed by the innately evil PAP government to isolate racial minorities and prevent integration - directed mainly against the indigenous people. The Malays (who are the indigenous people of Singapore and the Malay world) are so bothered with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict because of this "condominium (sphere of influence) model" designed by the innately evil PAP government. What kind of "Shared Future" is Lawrence Wong talking about when there was never a Malay director in Central Provident Fund Board (comprises only of Chinese and Indian)Jurong Town Corporation (comprises only of Chinese and Indian)Monetary Authority of Singapore (comprises only of Chinese)GIC Private Limited (comprises only of Chinese and Indian) and Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited (comprises only of Chinese and Indian, plus foreign powers from China, Switzerland and the Philippines), which are KEY STATUTORY BOARDS AND GOVERNMENT COMPANIES, after 58 years of independence?

It seems that OHAS is actually a "deceptive scheme" designed by the innately evil PAP government to isolate the Malays in the Arab's sphere of influence and effectively turn Singapore into a condominium comprising China's sphere of influence (control Chinese), India's sphere of influence (control Indian), Arab's sphere of influence (control Malay) and Others' sphere of influence (control Others) resulting in an unfair, unjust and unprincipled government. Singaporeans will become aware of this in the course of time.

I want the Malays to become at least 60% of the ruling class in Singapore because I want justice and equality in Singapore - I'm not ethnically related to the Malays. There's no justice and equality in Singapore when indigenous people are being "normalized or trapped" in a permanent underclass. The Singaporean identity must be shaped by "Malay indigeneity in harness with Commonwealth principles (Issued at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Singapore, 14-22 January 1971)" - Singapore separated from Malaysia to become an independent and sovereign state on 9 August 1965.


  1. Malaysia (MAIN culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. MSF (Malaysia's MAIN control of Singapore via casteism)
  3. Judiciary (Malaysia's MAIN weapon of lawfare)
  4. Singapore's 50 Richest (Malaysia's ruling class)
  5. PAP (Malaysia's ruling party to control Singaporeans)
  6. MFA (Malaysia's foreign policy of colonial domination/condominium)
  7. Legislature (Malaysia's lawmaking to control Singaporeans)
  8. LEE Hsien Loong (Prime Suspect, Malaysia's Executive)
  9. Permanent Secretaries (Malaysia's policymakers)
  10. SID (whispering campaigns on behalf of foreign powers)
  11. MINDEF/SAF Senior Leadership (Malaysia's mastermind)
  12. Israel Defence Forces (advisers to Malaysia's mastermind)
  13. Al-Qaeda (MAIN culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  14. LAS (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  15. P5 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  16. G4 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)




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