POLICE REPORT G/20240927/7042

Date/Time Report Made: 27 September 2024 12:30

Brief details.

Incident linked to A/20240920/7025. My child and I are victims of corruption (public sector). I'm lodging this report to preserve, protect and defend the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth citizenship)" for all Singaporeans (esp. indigenous Malays).

I refer to https://str.sg/4fmDX (see below)

Mr Lim, 65, and a Malaysian apprentice, 51, were found unconscious in furniture shop Wooden Story, where they worked, opposite the burning Amen International.

Firefighters performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the victims and they were taken unconscious to Changi General Hospital, where they later died, said the police.

Sumi's mother, a Malaysian, is also surnamed Lim. CPO-000034-2022 bears several striking similarities to the "Kids for Cash" judicial corruption scandal - no legal aid was provided in CPO-000034-2022 and a minor quarrel was exaggerated into an allegation of "child abuse" to justify statutory intervention. This mirrors the misuse of authority seen in the "Kids for Cash" judicial corruption scandal, where many children were sentenced without representation and given overly severe sentences for very minor infractions. Despite presenting evidence (photos and videos) proving that "I have a very good relationship with my daughter" in my SECOND AFFIDAVIT dated 14 August 2023 to CPS - CPS ignored it, revealing a "corrupt intent" behind the proceedings. All in all, my evidence clearly shows that CPS is motivated by corrupt practices (unmerited/excessive referrals to SSAs by CPS and bribery arrangements between them, enabled and protected by the Family Justice Courts) rather than the welfare and best interests of the child or young person. Both CPO-000034-2022 and the "Kids for Cash" judicial corruption scandal involved fees paid by public monies.

In 2008, 2 judges from Pennsylvania, Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan, were implicated in the "Kids for Cash" judicial corruption scandal. They were found guilty of accepting over US$2.8 million in kickbacks from the builder of a private juvenile detention center in exchange for sending children to these facilities for minor offences. Many of the young offenders were handed harsh sentences to increase the detention center's population, which profited from their presence paid by public monies. For every child sent to the center, the government paid the detention facility a certain amount of money. The scandal also raised questions about systemic racism, as a significant portion of the affected juveniles came from low-income or minority backgrounds.

CPO-000034-2022 is a case of "Kids for Corrupt Chronic Counselling Scams" orchestrated by "Corrupt Practices Syndicate (CPS)". If I don't expose and cripple CPS, they may soon involve funeral services to get a slice of the corruption cake. With counselling sessions being confidential, nobody would know if counsellors were brainwashing and coaching kids to commit suicide in order to generate profit for funeral services and corruptly receive kickbacks (Kids for Corrupt Coffins) in return.

The National Day Rally is seen as the most important national speech of the year - I refer to https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/digitised/page/today20090102-2.1.8 (see below)

I think Singapore as a whole will become a more gracious society because ... we will have large-scale events to create awareness. Mr Cyrus

Anything related to the National Day Rally is tied to the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth Principles)" - it's impossible for His Majesty King Charles III (Head of the Commonwealth) to abandon Commonwealth Principles (legacy of The Duke of Edinburgh) and defect to "corrupt settler colonialism" credited to the bloodlines of the Victorian (Benjamin Disraeli) clique. The corrupt settler colonialists in the Commonwealth will never be loyal to the bloodlines of The Duke of Edinburgh (give hope to indigenous Malays).


  1. NATO (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  2. Israel (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  3. Israel (MASTERMIND, pit Gentiles against Gentiles)
  4. Israel (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  5. SID (MASTERMIND, clandestine operations against indigenous Malays)
  6. China/Taiwan (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  7. China/Taiwan (MASTERMIND, Chinese settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  8. Australia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  9. Saudi Arabia (MASTERMIND, Arab settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  10. Brunei (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  11. India (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  12. India (MASTERMIND, Indian settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  13. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  14. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, corruption campaign in Singapore)
  15. Vivian (Malaysia's foreign policy of settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  16. SAF (Malaysia's corrupt armed forces against indigenous Malays)
  17. PAP (Malaysia's corrupt ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  18. Lee Hsien Loong (MASTERMIND, corrupt the ruling PAP for Malaysia)
  19. Chan Chun Sing (MASTERMIND, corrupt public servants for Malaysia)
  20. Sam Tee (MASTERMIND, corrupt the CPIB for Malaysia)
  21. MSF (Malaysia's corrupt casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  22. CPS (Malaysia's child abusers to abuse poor Singaporean children)
  23. SSAs (Malaysia's corrupt "social scammers/social engineers")
  24. Fayane TAN (MASTERMIND, systemic bribery/corruption in CPS & SSAs)
  25. GOH Chok Tong (MASTERMIND, large-scale corruption in charities)
  26. Masagos Zulkifli (MASTERMIND, corrupt MSF for Malaysia)
  27. AGC (Malaysia's corrupt "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  28. SPF (Malaysia's corrupt "casteism/lawfare operational staff")
  29. Sundaresh Menon (MASTERMIND, corrupt the judiciary for Malaysia)
  30. FJC (Malaysia's corrupt lawfare against the Malays)
  31. Australia (Satellite mind control of indigenous people)
  32. Israel (Satellite mind control of Gentiles/Muslims/Singaporeans)
  33. LAS (Satellite mind control of indigenous Malays/Muslims/Jews)
  34. Al-Qaeda (MASTERMIND, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  35. South Korea (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  36. Japan (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  37. MI6 (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  38. China/Taiwan (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  39. India (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  40. Nuclear Club (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)


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