POLICE REPORT E/20220506/7009

Date/Time Report Made: 6 May 2022 11:16

Brief details.

Incident linked to summons CPO-000034-2022/SUM-2022-0411-901374.

I refer to https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/PC1871?ProvIds=pr204A-#pr204A- (see below)

Obstructing, preventing, perverting or defeating course of justice

204A. Whoever does an act that has a tendency to obstruct, prevent, pervert or defeat the course of justice --

(a) knowing that the act is likely to obstruct, prevent, pervert or defeat the course of justice; or

(b) intending to obstruct, prevent, pervert or defeat the course of justice, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, or with fine, or with both.

I intend to contest CPO-000034-2022/SUM-2022-0411-901374 on 9 May 2022 and I'm going to tell the Youth Court Judge that Child Protective Service (CPS) submitted "inaccurate or incomplete investigation findings in a Social Report" to the Youth Courts before 13 April 2022, which I believe is "an act that has a tendency to obstruct, prevent, pervert or defeat the course of justice" as well as a blatant and egregious abuse of the court's process. I suspect my email correspondence with PEK Siao Tian last year and Sumi's two runaways (31 Aug 2020 and 11 Jan 2021) from her paternal grandparents' house were "intentionally omitted" from the "Social Report" to conceal my mother's brainwashing of Sumi (to hate me) as well as to paint a black picture of me. CPS can easily retrieve my email correspondence with PEK Siao Tian last year and Sumi's two runaways (31 Aug 2020 and 11 Jan 2021) from her paternal grandparents' house using their own records or MSF's records without my assistance. My email correspondence with PEK Siao Tian last year and Sumi's two runaways (31 Aug 2020 and 11 Jan 2021) from her paternal grandparents' house provide vital background information on the case.

Submitting "inaccurate or incomplete investigation findings in a Social Report" to the Youth Courts is not in the "welfare and best interests" of Sumi according to the principles (https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/CYPA1993?ProvIds=pr4-#pr4-) of Children and Young Persons Act 1993. I also never received the summons for me to attend the Youth Court on 04/04/2022 in accordance with Service of summons (https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/FJA2014-S813-2014?ProvIds=pr148B-#pr148B-). There was something furtive about CPS not answering my enquiries about their processes or standard operating procedures (SOP) in writing via email, and I felt suspicious. I wanted to know about their processes or SOP to see if their processes or SOP are poorly designed. It's rather unusual or suspicious for a public body not to answer their processes or SOP in writing via email - usually a brief outline of their processes or SOP would be given.

I will forward a copy of this report to the MSF and relevant public bodies/GPCs as well as diplomatic corps (good governance diplomacy) for their necessary action.


  1. Daneel Jannae SHIH


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