POLICE REPORT D/20240212/7029

Date/Time Report Made: 12 Feb 2024 17:38

Brief details.

Incident linked to E/20240129/7082, D/20240202/0098 and J/20190403/0084.

I refer to https://str.sg/oeBXg (see below)

SINGAPORE - A man who allegedly attacked seven people with a chopper and a knife in the Commonwealth area was on Feb 5 charged with voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon.

Joseph Lau Jin Hua, 20, was charged in the Court Crime Registry Chambers in a hearing not open to the public.

According to court documents, Lau voluntarily caused hurt to Thurairaj Dharshana Kumar by using a chopper to slash his left forearm, causing him to suffer lacerations.

The charge sheet said the attack took place at around 7.05pm at the lift lobby of Block 31 Margaret Drive.

The police arrested Lau at around 7.20pm at 1 Dundee Road, about 400m away, with the help of the five members of the public.

I was on level seven in D/20240202/0098 - another covert satellite psychotronic assassination attempt masterminded by these innately evil ABC (Australia-Arab-Bharat-China) colonial powers in close collaboration with Israel - hoping that I fall down to the ground floor from level seven. It's as clear as day that innately evil colonial powers and innately good Commonwealth-principled persons can't coexist at the same time - a fight to the finish.

I refer to https://str.sg/tVB8 (see below)

SINGAPORE - A pre-school teacher is under investigation for allegedly pushing a one-year-old boy away from a window when he tried to climb up the grille, after which he fell.

The first, on Jan 3, involves the child "repeatedly attempting to climb onto a low window grille and the educator pushed him away from the window".

I refer to https://www.confucius.org/lunyu/ed1721.htm (see below)

Confucius said,

"Yu is not benevolent! A child does not leave his parents' bosom until three years after his birth. Moreover the three-year mourning period is the popular practice among all under heaven. Was Yu not loved by his parents for three years?"

I refer to http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/special/china_1000ce_mingvoyages.htm (see below)

The Ming court was divided into many factions, most sharply into the pro-expansionist voices led by the powerful eunuch factions that had been responsible for the policies supporting Zheng Ho's voyages, and more traditional conservative Confucian court advisers who argued for frugality. When another seafaring voyage was suggested to the court in 1477, the vice president of the Ministry of War confiscated all of Zheng He's records in the archives, damning them as "deceitful exaggerations of bizarre things far removed from the testimony of people's eyes and ears." He argued that "the expeditions of San Bao [meaning "Three Jewels," as Zheng He was called] to the West Ocean wasted tens of myriads of money and grain and moreover the people who met their deaths may be counted in the myriads. Although he returned with wonderful precious things, what benefit was it to the state?"

Linked to eunuch politics and wasteful policies, the voyages were over. By the century's end, ships could not be built with more than two masts, and in 1525 the government ordered the destruction of all oceangoing ships. The greatest navy in history, which once had 3,500 ships (the U.S. Navy today has only 324), was gone.

The early childhood initiative (below the age of four) is actually an "anti-Confucian stance" by today's China (a crypto-Ming court) directed against Confucian court advisers who argued for frugality - opposing expansionist ambitions. China adopted communism in 1949 and eliminated Confucianism (one of the "Four Olds") during the Cultural Revolution (1966 - 1976) to pursue Ming expansionist ambitions.

During the 1980s, there were only Kindergarten (K1 and K2) programmes for children aged 5 and 6 - Primary 1 (P1) starts at 7 years old. There was only babysitting services for children below the age of four during the 1980s - a one-on-one undivided attention standard of care and this should continue.


  1. Malaysia (MAIN culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. MSF (Malaysia's MAIN foreign interference via casteism)
  3. Judiciary (Malaysia's MAIN weapon of lawfare)
  4. Legislature (Malaysia's foreign interference via lawmaking)
  5. LEE Hsien Loong (Prime Suspect, Malaysia's Executive)
  6. Permanent Secretaries (Malaysia's policymakers)
  7. SID (covert operations on behalf of foreign powers)
  8. MINDEF/SAF Senior Leadership (Malaysia's mastermind)
  9. Israel Defence Forces (advisers to Malaysia's mastermind)
  10. Al-Qaeda (MAIN culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  11. P5 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  12. G4 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)


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