POLICE REPORT F/20241018/7047

Date/Time Report Made: 18 October 2024 15:10

Brief details.

Incident linked to E/20241011/7050. My child and I are victims of corruption (public sector). I'm lodging this report to preserve, protect and defend the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth citizenship)" for all Singaporeans (esp. indigenous Malays).

I refer to https://str.sg/aEXf (see below)

In a Facebook post, SM Lee said the owner of the coffee shop has fire insurance. "This incident reminds us of the importance of having insurance too for our homes (even after the mandatory period), so that if we are caught in similar circumstances, we will still have some protection and help."

There's no insurance policy for "corruption in Singapore" backed by Malaysia (All the Malay sultans are descended from Indian Muslims) or the JudiciaryLHL accused Russia of practising "might is right" but today's ruling PAP government practises "corruption using might is right" insured by Malaysia. If a public servant forbears an essential government service to a Singaporean based on the person being openly anti-PAP - this constitutes corruptionSection 5(a)(ii) of the PCA 1960 covers the PAP as the recipient of the corrupt act - benefiting from the public servant's forbearing to do essential government services for anti-PAP SingaporeansSection 5(b)(ii) of the PCA 1960, on the other hand, covers the public servant as the giver of the corrupt act - intentionally offering a corrupt political gratification to the PAP through their actions of forbearing to do essential government services for anti-PAP Singaporeans.

Based on my observations, it appears that CPS operates in a "selective corruption/enforcement environment" - if indigenous Malay parents offer bribes, they will be reported to the CPIB. However, if Chinese-Indian-Other parents offer bribes, CPS will accept the bribes and reintegrate the briber's child. CPS seems to prefer removing a child from "doting parents" over a minor quarrel or heated argument, knowing that these "doting parents" are likely to offer bribes to CPS for reintegration. This creates opportunities for CPS to hint at or solicit bribes from "doting parents" in "TIER 1" cases. The Youth Courts then endorse CPS' removal of the child without suspicion or proper checks - such a "selective corruption/enforcement environment" cannot exist without the backing of judgesCPO-000034-2022 is purely about corruptly generating fraudulent counselling fees (paid by public monies) for SSAs because I didn't offer bribes to CPS for reintegration. Corruption (incl. soft corruption and influence peddling) will trigger deadly AI-powered satellite psychotronic responses to public servants or their loved ones (the persons they love the most) until the corruption ends. Seetha Subbiah (Shanmugam's wife) is a clinical psychologist who makes a living from counselling fees.

Good Intelligence shows that France (the only P5 superpower in the EU) is pursuing hegemonism within the EU and masterminded the Russo-Ukrainian war for eastward expansion, with the intention of capturing Russia, followed by ChinaIndia and ASEAN thereafter. The National Day Rally is seen as the most important national speech of the year - I refer to https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/digitised/page/today20090102-2.1.8 (see below)

I think Singapore as a whole will become a more gracious society because ... we will have large-scale events to create awareness. Mr Cyrus

Anything related to the National Day Rally is tied to the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth Principles)" - what lies at the root of the problem today is: too many Indians and not enough indigenous Malays at the top, resulting in "the rot starts at the top" stemming from India's "corrupt settler colonialism" in MalaysiaIndians only occupy 9% of Singapore's population, whereas indigenous Malays occupy 15%.

Singaporeans will never surrender to corruption (incl. soft corruption and influence peddling).


  1. NATO (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  2. Israel (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  3. Israel (MASTERMIND, pit Gentiles against Gentiles)
  4. Israel (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  5. SID (MASTERMIND, clandestine operations against indigenous Malays)
  6. China/Taiwan (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  7. China/Taiwan (MASTERMIND, Chinese settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  8. Australia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  9. Saudi Arabia (MASTERMIND, Arab settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  10. Brunei (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  11. India (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  12. India (MASTERMIND, Indian settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  13. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  14. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, corruption campaign in Singapore)
  15. Vivian (Malaysia's foreign policy of settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  16. SAF (Malaysia's corrupt armed forces against indigenous Malays)
  17. PAP (Malaysia's corrupt ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  18. Lee Hsien Loong (MASTERMIND, corrupt the ruling PAP for Malaysia)
  19. Chan Chun Sing (MASTERMIND, corrupt public servants for Malaysia)
  20. Sam Tee (MASTERMIND, corrupt the CPIB for Malaysia)
  21. MSF (Malaysia's corrupt casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  22. CPS (Malaysia's child abusers to abuse poor Singaporean children)
  23. SSAs (Malaysia's corrupt "social scammers/social engineers")
  24. Fayane TAN (MASTERMIND, systemic bribery/corruption in CPS & SSAs)
  25. GOH Chok Tong (MASTERMIND, large-scale corruption in charities)
  26. Masagos Zulkifli (MASTERMIND, corrupt MSF for Malaysia)
  27. AGC (Malaysia's corrupt "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  28. SPF (Malaysia's corrupt "casteism/lawfare operational staff")
  29. Sundaresh Menon (MASTERMIND, corrupt the judiciary for Malaysia)
  30. FJC (Malaysia's corrupt lawfare against the Malays)
  31. Australia (Satellite mind control of indigenous people)
  32. Israel (Satellite mind control of Gentiles/Muslims/Singaporeans)
  33. LAS (Satellite mind control of indigenous Malays/Muslims/Jews)
  34. Al-Qaeda (MASTERMIND, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  35. South Korea (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  36. Japan (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  37. MI6 (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  38. China/Taiwan (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  39. India (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  40. Nuclear Club (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)


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Download POLICE REPORT F/20241018/7047