POLICE REPORT A/20240920/7025

Date/Time Report Made: 20 September 2024 12:12

Brief details.

Incident linked to A/20240906/7027. My child and I are victims of corruption (public sector). I'm lodging this report to preserve, protect and defend the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth citizenship)" for all Singaporeans (esp. indigenous Malays).

I refer to https://str.sg/3buS (see below)

In debating the motion to change the formula to calculate ministerial pay, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, then Senior Minister, put up a robust argument for paying ministers good salaries. He said that the private sector had taken away many good men and women from the Government, and without good people, the country would suffer.

NOV 1, 1994


One journalist told me that there was some public concern that these higher salaries would change, and I quote him, 'the name of the game and attract a different type of person with different motivations'.

It is possible that politically and socially uncommitted people from the higher management and professional brackets will be attracted to the idea of public office for this higher pay. I doubt it.

But if it is so, and they can do better than the present Ministers, they should come out and offer themselves as the alternative. That would be good for Singapore.

If this salary formula can draw out higher quality men into politics, whatever their motivations, I say, let us have them. It is better than the Opposition we now have...

Widespread corruption in today's ruling PAP and the Singapore Public Service has its roots in LKY's MINISTERIAL SALARY - rotten people with "corrupt motivations" have reached the top, and very few things can save such a ruling political party. It defies common sense and logic to say that the private sector had taken away many good men and women from the Government, when the public sector has an entirely different work culture from the private sector. Business is all about the money because the private sector can't expect a "tax money bailout" if the business doesn't make money, whereas the Government is a monopoly without competitors and it's an offence not to pay taxes. If Singaporeans don't like the HDB flats offered by today's ruling PAP Government, can Singaporeans buy HDB flats from the Opposition? The answer is NO, yet Singaporeans are paying the present Ministers millions of dollars even though they have no competitors.

Malaysia's strategy to steal Singapore's financial reserves estimated at more than S$1 trillion is: "Before the re-merger with MalaysiaSingaporeans are VIPs. After the re-merger with MalaysiaSingaporeans are slaves." It's high time for LHL to die of a heart attack at 12.30 a.m. in response to the corrupt practices (unmerited referrals to SSAs by CPS and bribery arrangements between them) in CPO-000034-2022.

The National Day Rally is seen as the most important national speech of the year - I refer to https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/digitised/page/today20090102-2.1.8 (see below)

I think Singapore as a whole will become a more gracious society because ... we will have large-scale events to create awareness. Mr Cyrus

Anything related to the National Day Rally is tied to the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth Principles)" - Good Intelligence shows that CPIB and the Judiciary are "prime targets" of Malaysia's corruption campaign, followed by other governmental institutions. The Judiciary is particularly vulnerable to corruption due to the nature of its work - litigants can offer bribes to judges for a judgment in their favour, especially in cases conducted in chambers or in camera.

My solution to Malaysia's corruption campaign is to add an Article 6b to the Constitution:


6b. The sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation shall always uphold good governance (anticorruption) for all government policies and the day-to-day administration of the affairs of state.


  1. NATO (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  2. Israel (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  3. Israel (MASTERMIND, pit Gentiles against Gentiles)
  4. Israel (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  5. SID (MASTERMIND, clandestine operations against indigenous Malays)
  6. China/Taiwan (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  7. China/Taiwan (MASTERMIND, Chinese settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  8. Australia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  9. Saudi Arabia (MASTERMIND, Arab settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  10. Brunei (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  11. India (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  12. India (MASTERMIND, Indian settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  13. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  14. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, corruption campaign in Singapore)
  15. Vivian (Malaysia's foreign policy of settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  16. SAF (Malaysia's corrupt armed forces against indigenous Malays)
  17. PAP (Malaysia's corrupt ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  18. Lee Hsien Loong (MASTERMIND, corrupt the ruling PAP for Malaysia)
  19. Chan Chun Sing (MASTERMIND, corrupt public servants for Malaysia)
  20. Sam Tee (MASTERMIND, corrupt the CPIB for Malaysia)
  21. MSF (Malaysia's corrupt casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  22. CPS (Malaysia's child abusers to abuse poor Singaporean children)
  23. SSAs (Malaysia's corrupt "social scammers/social engineers")
  24. Fayane TAN (MASTERMIND, systemic bribery/corruption in CPS & SSAs)
  25. GOH Chok Tong (MASTERMIND, large-scale corruption in charities)
  26. Masagos Zulkifli (MASTERMIND, corrupt MSF for Malaysia)
  27. AGC (Malaysia's corrupt "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  28. SPF (Malaysia's corrupt "casteism/lawfare operational staff")
  29. Sundaresh Menon (MASTERMIND, corrupt the judiciary for Malaysia)
  30. FJC (Malaysia's corrupt lawfare against the Malays)
  31. Australia (Satellite mind control of indigenous people)
  32. Israel (Satellite mind control of Gentiles/Muslims/Singaporeans)
  33. LAS (Satellite mind control of indigenous Malays/Muslims/Jews)
  34. Al-Qaeda (MASTERMIND, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  35. South Korea (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  36. Japan (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  37. SIS or MI6 (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  38. Nuclear Club (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)


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