POLICE REPORT G/20240621/7044

Date/Time Report Made: 21 June 2024 12:48

Brief details.

Incident linked to L/20240614/7040.

I refer to https://str.sg/ETmd (see below)

SINGAPORE - The recent attack on a police station in Johor is a grim reminder that the threat of terrorism remains high, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said on May 21.

"In particular, self-radicalisation is a growing concern, especially in our youths. Over the past two years, four self-radicalised youths (under the age of 20) were dealt with under the Internal Security Act," said PM Wong, adding that he had just received a briefing from Singapore's security agencies.

Islamist terrorism and the Muslim religion have been weaponized by foreign settlers (backed by the clique of Benjamin Disraeli) to effectively discriminate against indigenous Malays, regardless of whether they are terrorists or not. There is malice aforethought in CPO-000034-2022 directed against my Syariah Court care and control ancillary order because the direction of family law and the principles of CYPA weren't followed from the outset. There was no child abuse on my part from the outset, hence if I don't get my child back despite having her care and control ancillary order, it means the colonialists and racial oppressors had won but harmful or deadly AI-powered satellite psychotronic responses to the abuse of the law will continue.

I've a solution that will enable indigenous Malays to become the ruling class in Singapore - add an Article 6a to the Constitution stating:

Sovereign secular state

6a. The sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation shall always be secular, with a guarantee of freedom of religion in Article 15.

A Bill for making an amendment to this Part shall not be passed by Parliament unless it has been supported, at a national referendum, by not less than two-thirds of the total number of votes cast by the electors registered under the Parliamentary Elections Act 1954.

Article 6a will guarantee that Singapore won't be an Islamic state when indigenous Malays become the ruling class.

I refer to https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/digitised/page/today20090102-2.1.8 (see below)

I think Singapore as a whole will become a more gracious society because ... we will have large-scale events to create awareness. Mr Cyrus

It's my gracious duty to "build a democratic society based on justice and equality" as well as to preserve, protect and defend the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation" against Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in the ruling PAP and the Singapore Public Service. Anything connected with the National Day Rally is linked to the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation" and Commonwealth citizenship, including the Commonwealth Principles declared in Singapore in 1971 - Singapore is crucial to the survival of the Commonwealth as an institution. Commonwealth Principles must be effectively implemented in Singapore, otherwise the indigenous people of ASEAN may turn to Russia to escape enslavement and/or extermination by the ABC (Australia-Arab-Bharat-China) colonialists. The implementation of Commonwealth Principles in Singapore will create a domino effect, resulting in the indigenous Malays (bumiputra, pribumi) of Malaysia and Brunei becoming at least 60% of the ruling class with their monarchs being deported to India and Saudi Arabia. The international intelligence community wants to see how Malaysia (All the Malay sultans are descended from Indian Muslims) intends to preserve, protect and defend their quislings against the harmful or deadly AI-powered satellite psychotronic responses to the abuse of the law. The algorithm for the abuse of the law is "Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism with death or injury", hence good public servants must stop evil public servants from abusing the law to prevent harmful or deadly AI-powered satellite psychotronic responses from happening to themselves or their loved ones (the persons they love the most).


  1. China (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. Israel (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  3. Australia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  4. Saudi Arabia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  5. Brunei (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  6. India (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  7. Malaysia (MAIN culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  8. PAP (Malaysia's ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  9. Leo Yip (Malaysia's recruiter to hire the wrong public servants)
  10. MSF (Malaysia's casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  11. CPS (Malaysia's child abusers to abuse poor Singaporean children)
  12. SSAs (Malaysia's "social scammers/social engineers")
  13. AGC (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  14. SPF (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational staff")
  15. Family Justice Courts (Malaysia's lawfare against the Malays)
  16. Sundaresh Menon (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  17. Australia (Satellite mind control of indigenous people)
  18. Israel (Satellite mind control of Gentiles)
  19. Al-Qaeda (MAIN culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  20. P5 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  21. G4 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)


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Download All the Malay sultans are descended from Indian Muslims

Download POLICE REPORT G/20240621/7044