POLICE REPORT D/20240306/7027

Date/Time Report Made: 6 Mar 2024 12:58

Brief details.

Incident linked to E/20240228/7063.

I refer to https://str.sg/a2ca (see below)

SINGAPORE - Secondary school teacher Rachel Tan (not her real name) stepped into her classroom on Feb 28 with some apprehension - she was about to teach a class on the war in Gaza and felt ill-equipped for the questions that might come from her students.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the majority of the teachers interviewed - who were of all ethnicities and had between two and 26 years of teaching experience - shared various concerns, including feeling ill-prepared and worried about backlash from parents.

Teachers also said they were given instructions not to tweak the slides. The teacher of five years said this was unusual and "sent the very wrong signal that it was more about MOE trying to communicate certain perspectives".

I refer to https://time.com/6160282/arab-world-complicit-china-repression-uighurs/ (see below)

As China deepens relations with Saudi Arabia in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Uighur diaspora finds itself in the crosshairs. Riyadh is preparing to deport two Uighurs back to China's western province of Xinjiang, where they will almost certainly be detained for "re-education" in its vast network of concentration camps for the region's Turkic inhabitants. Uighurs in Xinjiang face human rights violations ranging from arbitrary detention and torture to sexual assault and forced sterilization.

Saudi Arabia, a key ally of China in the Arab world, has shown support for Beijing's crackdown on Uighur culture in the past. During a 2019 visit to China, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the country's de facto ruler, told his hosts: "We respect and support China's rights to take counter-terrorism and de-extremism measures to safeguard national security." Saudi Arabia further endorsed China's Xinjiang policies in two joint letters to the United Nations in 2019 and 2020.

But Arab states are not only lending rhetorical support to China, they are also actively assisting Beijing in its global campaign of abuse and reprisals against Uighurs. At least six governments in the Arab world--Egypt, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the UAE--have detained or extradited Uighurs at China's behest. According to our dataset at the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs, around 292 Uighurs have been detained or deported from Arab states at China's behest since 2002.

Singaporeans, especially the Malays (who are the indigenous people of Singapore and the Malay world) mustn't waste time dwelling on the Arab world. The Malays must focus on becoming at least 60% of the ruling class in Singapore and not be trapped in the Arab's sphere of influence. Malaysia (the Malay sultans who descended from Indian Muslims) wants to enslave Singaporeans through covert and deceptive means via the innately evil PAP government (especially the judiciary) permanently. The Malay sultans, supported by India, are in alliance with countries that have "problems with indigenous people" such as AustraliaCanada and the US. Imagine a scenario where the government top brass in Malaysia is Indian Muslims and the richest persons in Malaysia are also Indians - as time goes by, the Malay bumiputras will become aware that they are being colonized by Indian Muslims and therefore the Malay sultans need Chinese Malaysians to control Malaysia's economy and make it look like China is the colonizer - fastening the ABC (Australia-Arab-Bharat-China) crypto-colonization of the Malay world and ASEAN.

PAP is targeting low-income Chinese-Indian-Others Singaporeans to conceal and cover up their evil policy of trapping the Malays in a permanent underclassPAP's direction for Singaporeans is to be enslaved by Malaysia permanently because PAP's cadres and richest benefit from Malaysia's enslavement. As time goes by, Singaporeans will become aware of PAP's evil policy of racism directed at the Malays and Singapore's society will become irreparably evil.


  1. Malaysia (MAIN culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. MSF (Malaysia's casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  3. Family Justice Courts (Malaysia's lawfare against the Malays)
  4. Sundaresh Menon (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  5. Singapore's 50 Richest (Malaysia's ruling class)
  6. PAP (Malaysia's ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  7. MFA (Malaysia's foreign policy of colonial domination/condominium)
  8. Legislature (Malaysia's lawmaking to enslave Singaporeans)
  9. LEE Hsien Loong (Prime Suspect, Malaysia's Executive)
  10. Permanent Secretaries (Malaysia's policymakers)
  11. SID (whispering campaigns on behalf of Malaysia)
  12. MINDEF/SAF Senior Leadership (Malaysia's military forces)
  13. Israel (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  14. Al-Qaeda (MAIN culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  15. LAS (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  16. P5 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  17. G4 (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)


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