POLICE REPORT E/20240410/7010

Date/Time Report Made: 10 Apr 2024 11:58

Brief details.

Incident linked to A/20240320/7019.

I received a WhatsApp message from CPO Yu Xiang, informing me that my Zoom session with Sumi is cancelled due to contact safety breaches (recording and publishing of the access sessions) and CPS needs to assess the impact on Sumi. I informed him that there's no impact on Sumi because I didn't show her anything, and the detrimental impact is on MSF and the FJC, not on Sumi. The purpose of publishing the Zoom access sessions is to inform and educate Singaporeans about Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore (through the use of casteism in harness with lawfare since 1965), and it's for educational and exposure purposes only. I decided to inform and educate Singaporeans about Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore in Singapore after Sumi said she wants to move in and live with me asap during our Zoom session on 12 Mar 2024, and I told her to inform her social worker Gan Hui Hoon to make the arrangements. However, CPO Benjamin just ignored me on 13 Mar 2024 when I told him about it.

I could see that the innately evil PAP government (MSF and the FJC) is "simply out to get us (Sumi and myself)" because of who we are, not because of what we have done - an evil policy of racism due to Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore because MSF didn't adhere to the principles of the Children and Young Persons Act 1993 (CYPA) when I first approached CPS in May 2021. I also observed that the principles of both CYPA and family law (ancillary orders) weren't adhered to by MSF and the FJC from 2021 to date. Hence, it's my duty, obligation, and responsibility as a Singaporean and as a former policeman (NS) to inform and educate Singaporeans about Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore. Singaporeans must recognize that we're paying taxes to finance Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore and must start to speak out against this "unconstitutional system" in Singapore.

I refer to https://str.sg/zNM6 (see below)

SINGAPORE - Do not be alarmed when you hear sirens on the evening of Feb 15. The islandwide network of public warning system sirens will be sounding the "important message" signal in support of Total Defence Day.

The sirens will go off at 6.20pm, said the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) in a Feb 13 statement.

This commemorates the exact date and time in 1942 when the British forces in Singapore surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Forces during World War II.

Total Defence Day (launched in 1984) is an anti-Commonwealth, anti-UK campaign for Singaporeans to commemorate the Commonwealth's failure to defend Singapore against Japan. Such an anti-Commonwealth, anti-UK campaign is "very unconstitutional" in Singapore because all Singaporeans are Commonwealth citizens under Article 139 of the Constitution, which is the supreme law of Singapore.

I refer to https://str.sg/rHhD (see below)

SINGAPORE - Singaporeans feel safe because the Republic has very clear laws, and very tough enforcement against criminals, said Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam.

Over time, Singapore's laws have ensured that the Republic leads the world for safety and low crime, where children and women can walk around without fear, or worries of sexual assault, he added.

"Try doing that in any other city in the West. How many places can you do that?" he asked.

Shanmugam is anti-West (anti-Commonwealth, anti-UK) because India is a member of SCO (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Cooperation_Organisation) since 9 June 2017. Singaporeans must acknowledge that Singapore is currently in a state of "covert civil war" between foreign settlers and the indigenous Malays. Singaporeans must adhere to Commonwealth principles to navigate this "covert civil war" and advocate for reconciliation with the indigenous Malays by ensuring they make up at least 60% of the ruling class in Singapore.


  1. Malaysia (MAIN culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. MSF (Malaysia's casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  3. CPS (Malaysia's child abusers to abuse poor Singaporean children)
  4. SSAs (Malaysia's "social scammers/social engineers")
  5. Family Justice Courts (Malaysia's lawfare against the Malays)
  6. Sundaresh Menon (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  7. K Shanmugam (Malaysia's rotten lawyer)
  8. Singapore's 50 Richest (Malaysia's ruling class)
  9. PAP (Malaysia's ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  10. MFA (Malaysia's foreign policy of colonial domination/condominium)
  11. Tharman Shanmugaratnam (Malaysia's executive authority)
  12. Legislature (Malaysia's lawmaking to enslave Singaporeans)
  13. LEE Hsien Loong (Prime Suspect, Malaysia's plaything)
  14. Permanent Secretaries (Malaysia's policymakers)
  15. Leo Yip (Malaysia's recruiter to hire the wrong public servants)
  16. SID (whispering campaigns on behalf of Malaysia)
  17. MINDEF/SAF Senior Leadership (Malaysia's instrument of NS)
  18. Al-Qaeda (MAIN culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  19. LAS (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  20. China (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)
  21. India (Satellite mind control of such persons or populations)


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