POLICE REPORT A/20230713/7007

Date/Time Report Made: 13 Jul 2023 11:38

Brief details.

Incident linked to E/20230707/7019.

I refer to https://str.sg/iwsd (see below)

SINGAPORE - Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin has apologised to Workers' Party MP Jamus Lim for using "unparliamentary language" that was caught on a hot mic during a Parliament sitting in April.

Mr Tan is heard muttering "fu*king populist" on the microphone during the first day of debate on the President's Address on April 17, after Associate Professor Lim finished a speech of about 20 minutes on doing more to help the lower-income groups here. The opposition politician suggested in his speech the establishment of an official poverty line.

I refer to https://str.sg/3Xmb (see below)

SINGAPORE - Working at the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) was a wish come true for Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, he said in a farewell note on Sunday (Sept 10).

The outgoing Minister for Social and Family Development, who will leave his post to be nominated as Speaker of Parliament on Monday, said he had hoped to join the MSF when he first entered politics in 2011.

Mr Tan will be nominated as Speaker of Parliament when the House sits on Monday. The Speaker cannot be elected from Members of Parliament who are office holders.

I refer to https://www.sgdi.gov.sg/ministries/msf/departments/ogd/departments/rpg/departments/cps

The contact details of all the rank-and-file workers previously available on the listing had been removed from the listing recently. It looks like CPS management wants to hide all "letters of complaint" from their rank-and-file workers, fearing that their rank-and-file workers might discover their "unspoken policy of impeding upward mobility on middle-income and low-income Singaporeans" because their rank-and-file workers also belong to the middle-income and low-income groups.

My findings on MSF show that - the modus operandi of MSF (especially their psychologists and counsellors) is to identify who is the victim of bullying in a family, and then gang up with the family members to jointly bully this victim so as to impede upward mobility for the entire family, including the oppressors in the family because bullies are usually unpopular in the workplace and thus won't get promoted - instilling a "villainy culture" into the family to impede upward mobility for the entire family. Only psychologists have the expertise to devise such a "covert and deceptive scheme" to impede upward mobility on middle-income and low-income Singaporeans (especially the dysfunctional families) without being seen or noticed. Psychologists are the worst psychopaths when they use their expertise to harm the populace.

I refer to https://supportgowhere.life.gov.sg/services/SVC-FSCF/family-service-centre-fsc (see below)

FSC services include:

Casework: Providing holistic case management and individual/family counselling

I refer to https://www.iras.gov.sg/who-we-are/what-we-do/taxes-in-singapore/the-singapore-tax-system (see below)

Taxes go towards the funding of government expenditure. In FY2021/22, the largest sector making up 55.1% of total Government Operating Expenditure is the Social Development Sector.

It's impossible that a bunch of grasping, greedy politicians (https://str.sg/3buS) is willing to spend 55.1% of total Government Operating Expenditure on MSF unless it's for the purpose of impeding upward mobility on middle-income and low-income Singaporeans, and keeping high-income Singaporeans permanently rich in return. The purpose of outsourcing individual/family counselling to FSC is for FSC to do MSF's dirty work of impeding upward mobility on middle-income and low-income Singaporeans by conducting individual/family counselling in a manner that preserves and prolongs the "root causes of family conflict" for the sake of "chronic counselling scams paid by public monies". Providing durable solutions to "root causes of family conflict" would mean a zero-sum game of putting an end to "chronic counselling income" at the same time.


  1. Malaysia (main culprit, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  2. MSF (Malaysia's foreign influence/interference via casteism)
  3. Judiciary (main instrument of Malaysia's casteism)
  4. LEE Hsien Loong (Prime Suspect, Executive)
  5. Legislature (local proxies on behalf of Malaysia)
  6. Permanent Secretaries (local proxies on behalf of Malaysia)
  7. SID (covert operations on behalf of foreign powers)
  8. MINDEF/SAF Senior Leadership (mastermind)
  9. Israel Defence Forces (advisers to mastermind)
  10. Al-Qaeda (main culprit, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)


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