I refer to https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/CONS1963?ProvIds=pr1-,pr4-,pr6- (see below)

No surrender of sovereignty or relinquishment of control over the Police Force or the Armed Forces except by referendum

6.—(1)  There shall be —

(a) no surrender or transfer, either wholly or in part, of the sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation, whether by way of merger or incorporation with any other sovereign state or with any Federation, Confederation, country or territory or in any other manner whatsoever; and

(b) no relinquishment of control over the Singapore Police Force or the Singapore Armed Forces,

unless such surrender, transfer or relinquishment has been supported, at a national referendum, by not less than two‑thirds of the total number of votes cast by the electors registered under the Parliamentary Elections Act 1954.

(2)  For the purposes of this Article —

"Singapore Armed Forces" means the Singapore Armed Forces raised and maintained under the Singapore Armed Forces Act 1972, and includes any civil defence force formed under the Civil Defence Act 1986 and such other force as the President may, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be an armed force for the purposes of this Article;

"Singapore Police Force" means the Singapore Police Force and the Special Constabulary established under the Police Force Act 2004 and any Auxiliary Police Force created in accordance with Part 9 of that Act, and includes the Vigilante Corps established under the Vigilante Corps Act 1967 and such other force as the President may, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be a police force for the purposes of this Article.


The phrase "in any other manner whatsoever" within the context of Article 6 mentioned above effectively instructs that Singaporeans must not, under any circumstances, yield any degree of control over the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation" to any foreign power, whether wholly or in part, regardless of the method or manner employed. Sovereignty refers to the "power or authority" of a country's citizens to control or rule their own government without interference from external sources. Therefore, Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore (through the use of casteism in harness with lawfare since 1965) is inconsistent with this Constitution and must be eradicated by "Singapore Armed Forces" and "Singapore Police Force".

If a foreign country exerts control over another country's judiciary and judges begin issuing court orders according to external influence rather than impartial legal principles, it creates a situation that undermines the rule of law and sovereignty of the affected country. In such a scenario, the police department faces a complex and delicate situation. Ideally, the police department should prioritize upholding the rule of law and the Constitution of their own country. They should assess the legitimacy of court orders and act in accordance with their legal obligations and professional standards. However, if the judiciary is compromised and judges begin issuing court orders according to external influence that are unlawful or unjust, the police department may face a dilemma and it would be very difficult for the police department to investigate judges for covert and deceptive foreign interference.​

Since public servants had cease to safeguard the sovereignty, security and prosperity of Singapore for the sake of LKY's crazy rich remuneration (powered by Malaysia's covert and deceptive foreign interference in Singapore) – it's NOW the duty, obligation and responsibility of every Singaporean to ensure that 100% of the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation" belongs to all Singaporeans, including the Malays who are the indigenous people of Singapore and the Malay world.

I refer to https://www.straitstimes.com/business/economy/do-taxes-in-singapore-really-need-to-go-up (see below)

SINGAPORE (THE BUSINESS TIMES) - Higher taxes have become the talk of the town in the run-up to Budget 2018.

Though the full size of Singapore's financial reserves is never revealed for strategic reasons, it is estimated at more than S$1 trillion.

The reserves are managed by three investment entities: the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), GIC and Temasek Holdings.


I think Lee Hsien Loong and his PAP's cadres mistakenly believe that Singapore's financial reserves are their "personal savings account" and they can do whatever they like with the reserves, including passing the reserves to their children with backing and support from the Government of Malaysia.

Factually, Singapore's financial reserves belong to all Singaporeans, including the Malays who are the indigenous people of Singapore and newborn Singaporeans, hence it's the duty, obligation and responsibility of every Singaporean to safeguard the reserves against a "quisling PAP government" who wants to raid the reserves to finance a "work in Singapore (earn SGD) and retire in Malaysia comfortably" fiscal policy for Malaysians, who in turn deflate salary scale for Singaporeans.