POLICE REPORT A/20240830/7043

Date/Time Report Made: 30 August 2024 16:08

Brief details.

Incident linked to D/20240829/7024. I'm lodging this report to preserve, protect and defend the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth citizenship)" for all Singaporeans (esp. indigenous Malays).

I had a Review Hearing (Zoom Meeting) with the Family Justice Courts (FJC) at 10.30 AM this morning. Woon Yoon Ngeong (Chinese interpreter) informed me that the Review Hearing (Zoom Meeting) would be recorded by the FJC for evidence.

I asked District Judge (DJ) Amy Tung Chew Ming what is the court's stance on corruption at about 12 PM, but she ignored my question. Towards the end of the hearing, when I informed DJ Amy Tung Chew Ming that I had discovered corrupt practices in CPS and asked what she should do under the Singapore Public Service Code of Conduct when someone reports suspected corrupt practices, DJ Amy Tung Chew Ming simply replied that she's not obliged to answer me and that she would call the session to a close. I suspect the corrupt practices (unmerited referrals to SSAs by CPS and bribery arrangements between them) in CPO-000034-2022 are backed by the FJC, which may explain why CPS is so bold in not adhering to the principles of the CYPA and in disobeying the direction of the law under CPO-000034-2022.

It's mandatory under the Singapore Public Service Code of Conduct to report any suspicious activity related to corrupt practices. When someone reports suspected corrupt practices to the FJC, they must document the report and submit it to the CPIB. It's very possible that the FJC, or worse still, the Judiciary is corrupted and compromised - they don't have an anti-corruption stance and also have no channels to report suspected corrupt practicesIswaran's corruption case is a reminder to the Singapore Public Service and all Singaporeans that corruption can happen anywhere and at all levels within the Singapore Public Servicefrom the most junior civil servant to permanent secretaries, to ministers to Supreme Court judges.

CPIB should be placed under the President's Office instead of the PMO because the President's Office isn't responsible for all government policies and the day-to-day administration of state affairs. Exposing corruption doesn't reflect well on the PMO, as the Cabinet is led by the Prime Minister. Additionally, the Chief Justice is appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister, so exposing the Chief Justice for corruption could also reflect poorly on the PMO.

Regardless of your rules, regardless of your system, the rot starts at the top. If the top is clean, then your systems can work well. Singaporeans got to make sure of that. And if it (the rot) starts, Singaporeans must save the country by exposing corruption in the Singapore Public Service to the public at all costs. The National Day Rally is seen as the most important national speech of the year - I refer to https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/digitised/page/today20090102-2.1.8 (see below)

I think Singapore as a whole will become a more gracious society because ... we will have large-scale events to create awareness. Mr Cyrus

Anything related to the National Day Rally is tied to the "sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore as an independent nation (incl. Commonwealth Principles)" - I'll expose corruption in the Singapore Public Service to the public at all costs, even if it means going to jail for doing so. I can see that the FJC is abusing the provisions of CYPA with a corrupt intent to prevent me from exposing the corrupt practices (unmerited referrals to SSAs by CPS and bribery arrangements between them) in CPO-000034-2022 to the publicCorruption is pervasive at the directorial level in CPSSingaporeans must ensure that the Singapore system remains clean and incorruptible - that corruption is unable to take root (through the abuse of the law) in Singapore. I believe that sooner or later good must triumph over evil, and corruption is the root of all evil.


  1. NATO (MASTERMIND, world settler colonialism based on genocide)
  2. SID (MASTERMIND, clandestine operations against indigenous Malays)
  3. China/Taiwan (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  4. China/Taiwan (MASTERMIND, Chinese settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  5. Israel (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  6. Australia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  7. Saudi Arabia (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  8. Brunei (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  9. India (covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  10. India (MASTERMIND, Indian settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  11. Malaysia (MASTERMIND, covert and deceptive foreign interference)
  12. Vivian (Malaysia's foreign policy of settler colonialism in ASEAN)
  13. SAF (Malaysia's armed forces against indigenous people)
  14. PAP (Malaysia's ruling party to enslave Singaporeans)
  15. Lee Hsien Loong (MASTERMIND, corrupt the ruling PAP for Malaysia)
  16. Chan Chun Sing (MASTERMIND, corrupt public servants for Malaysia)
  17. Sam Tee (MASTERMIND, corrupt the CPIB for Malaysia)
  18. MSF (Malaysia's casteism to enslave Singaporeans)
  19. CPS (Malaysia's child abusers to abuse poor Singaporean children)
  20. SSAs (Malaysia's "social scammers/social engineers")
  21. Fayane TAN (MASTERMIND, systemic bribery/corruption in CPS & SSAs)
  22. GOH Chok Tong (MASTERMIND, large-scale corruption in charities)
  23. Masagos Zulkifli (MASTERMIND, corrupt MSF for Malaysia)
  24. AGC (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational brains")
  25. SPF (Malaysia's "casteism/lawfare operational staff")
  26. Sundaresh Menon (MASTERMIND, corrupt the judiciary for Malaysia)
  27. Family Justice Courts (Malaysia's lawfare against the Malays)
  28. Australia (Satellite mind control of indigenous people)
  29. Israel (Satellite mind control of Gentiles/Muslims/Singaporeans)
  30. LAS (Satellite mind control of indigenous Malays/Muslims/Jews)
  31. Al-Qaeda (MASTERMIND, Satellite Psychotronic Terrorism)
  32. South Korea (MASTERMIND, Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)
  33. Nuclear Club (Satellite mind control of Singaporeans)


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